Meredith Woman Warns COVID-19 Can Happen to Anyone
Kaitlyn Haines, of Meredith, was experiencing symptoms for about a week before shortness of breath finally convinced her to go to the emergency department at Lakes Region General Hospital. (Courtesy photo)
MEREDITH — Kaitlyn Haines did everything right.
She had been working from home for a few weeks, staying away from people outside of her family, and had been able to limit her trips outside of her home to a single shopping trip to Hannaford. She even used the self-checkout aisle, and applied hand sanitizer afterward.
Despite all of that, the 31-year-old mother of two found herself in the Lakes Region General Hospital Emergency Department on Saturday, shocked to hear the words coming out of the doctor’s mouth.
“They ran the blood work, did a chest x-ray and an EKG, and because of the x-ray and other tests that came back, he said there’s a 99% chance that we’re looking at COVID,” Haines said in a telephone interview on Monday, the same day she found out that the nasal swab test came back positive.
Read the full article.
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