White ribbons are show of support for hospital
The Lakeport Opera House, currently being renovated, is one of the prominent buildings displaying the "Support Our Health Care Providers" banner. (Laconia Daily Sun photo/Adam Drapcho)
Around the city, and in neighboring towns, large blue-and-white banners are appearing, with the intention of showing hope that the local network of health care will be preserved.
The banners, which bear a large white ribbon and the words “Support Our Health Care Providers,” are part of a campaign spearheaded by Chip Broadhurst, who said the campaign has two goals.
The first is to show support for the health care workers, including both those who are on the front lines of the coronavirus epidemic, and those who have been furloughed as Lakes Region General Hospital has focused on providing only critical care.
The second goal is to express the wish that an arrangement can be made so that the providers who currently work for LRGHealthcare will continue to be able to provide those services to the local population.
Read the full article.
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