Your donation to The Collaborative allows us to produce in-depth accountability-driven, investigative reporting that we then distribute through our more than 20 local media partners. Our partners also work with our reporters to produce investigative projects that they don't have the resources to do on their own. That work is also distributed across the partner network.
There's Still Time to Support Local News
We believe in the power of journalism to spark change, strengthen our communities, speak truth to power and uphold our democracy. And whether you're new to GSNC or have been with us from the very beginning, you know that our investigative, in-depth and solutions focused reporting fills a critical need in our communities.
News we trust is not a luxury. We need it.
We are a fiscally sponsored, non-profit news organization, which means in order to operate, we rely on funding support from the public to keep us going.
We use those funds to help more than 20 local news outlets share their reporting with each other. We also pay our team of experienced investigative reporters to work with Collaborative and local news editors to produce in-depth, investigative and accountability stories that the outlets can’t do with their own limited resources.